IEEE 488.2 Commands, see Common (*) Commands, 37
IMMediate, (INITiate[:IMMediate]), 46
IMMediate, (TRIGger[:IMMediate]), 56 Implied Commands, 38
Initial Operation, 15 INITiate subsystem, 45 - 46 INITiate:CONTinuous, 45, 60 INITiate:CONTinuous?, 46, 60 INITiate[:IMMediate], 46, 60 Input Characteristics, 61 Insulation resistance, 61 Interrupt Level, 61
Interrupt Priority Jumpers, 23
Linking Commands, 39
Logical Address, 14
Logical Address Switch, setting of, 23
MONitor:CARD, (DISPlay:MONitor:CARD), 44 MONitor[:STATe], (DISPlay:MONitor[:STATe]), 43 Multiplexer
basic operation, 11 card numbers, 14 channel numbers, 14 channels, 11 commands, 25 components, changing of, 23 configurations, 20 - 22
defined as switchbox instrument, 13 description of module , 11
error messages, 69 error numbers, 69 logical address switch, 23 programming, 13 reading registers, 66 register types, 66 switching diagram, 12 typical configuration, 13 writing to registers, 67
Multiplexer Channel Address, 13 groups of sequential channels, 13 multiple channels, 13
sequential channels, 13 single channels, 13
NONE, 48, 52, 60
OPEN,(ROUTe:OPEN), 49 OPEN?, (ROUTe:OPEN?), 50 Operation
initial , 15 OPERation:ENABle, (STATus:OPERation:ENABle), 53 OPERation[:EVENt]?, (STATus:OPERation:EVENt?), 53 Optional Parameters, 39 OUTPut subsystem, 47 OUTPut[:STATe], 47, 60 OUTPut[:STATe]?, 47, 60
Parameters, 39
Power Requirements, 61
Programming the Multiplexer Module, 13
Query Channel States, 28
Quick Reference
command, 60
Reader comment sheet, 9 Reading
channel enable registers, 66 device type registers, 66 ID type registers, 66 registers, 66 status/control registers, 66
Registers addressing, 66 definitions, 65
reading channel enable, 66 reading device type, 66 reading ID type, 66 reading status/control, 66 status, 36
types of multiplexer modules, 66 writing to, 67