128Chapter 6 Command line interface
Using the test commands
Note: You must specify a slot and port number with the test commands.
Refer to the Reference for the Passport 8000 Series Command Line Interface Switching Operations, Release 3.1 and Reference for the Passport 8000 Series Command Line Interface Routing Operations, Release 3.1 for a complete list of CLI test commands.
test hardware
Use the test hardware command to run diagnostics on the Passport 8683POS Module. The command uses the following syntax:
test hardware <ports>
The output from the test hardware command is shown in Figure 52.
Figure 52 test hardware command output
Port: 10/5
IfIndex: 645
Result: success
test led
Use the test led command to see if the lights on the port LEDs are functioning correctly on the Passport 8683POS Module. The command uses the following syntax:
test led <ports> <txrx> <offyellowgreen>