connecting to direct terminals, 32 - 33 connecting to tree terminals, 34
list, 29, 65 numbers, 11 opening, 29, 64 query closure, 64 - 65 scanning, 65
scanning a range of, 36 - 37 scanning switchbox, 45, 66 selecting, 29
bank 0 channels, 32 bank 1 channels, 32 channels, 16, 29, 33 - 35, 63 FETs, 34, 69
tree isolation switches, 12, 68 *CLS, 76
Command Reference, 53 - 78 Commands
abbreviated, 54 IEEE 488.2, 53, 76 implied, 54 keyword, 54 linking, 55 optional, 54
optional parameters, 55 parameters, 55
quick reference, 77
scanning switchbox channels, 45 - 46 SCPI, 53
SCPI format, 53 separator, 54 types, 53
Comment sheet, reader, 9 Common
bank, 12 terminals, 12
Common (*) Commands, 53 *CLS, 76
*ESE, 76 *ESR?, 76 format, 53 *IDN?, 76 list of, 76 *OPC, 76 *OPC?, 76 quick reference, 77 *RCL, 76 *RST, 76 - 77 *SAV, 76 *SRE, 52, 76 *SRE?, 76 *STB?, 52, 76 *TRG, 76 - 77 *TST?, 76 - 77 *WAI, 76
Component Assembly, description, 11 Configuring
HP E1351A/53A module, 17 - 28 scanning voltmeter, 42
Conformity, declaration, 7 Connecting
analog bus cables, 42
channels to direct terminals, 32 - 33 channels to tree terminals, 35 digital bus cables, 42
field wiring, 24
mainframe to multimeter, 38 multimeter to mainframe, 38 multimeters, 26 - 27, 34 multiple modules together, 12 signal generators, 26
Connections analog bus, 12 multimeter, 12, 34 scanning voltmeter, 14 terminal module, 12, 24 tree terminals, 12
analog bus, 26 - 27 digital bus, 26 - 27
Continuous Scans, 39, 60 Converting
thermistor resistance to a temperature, 44 thermistor temperature to a voltage, 44
maximum allowed, 17, 79 shunt configuration, 23
Custom Cables, 15 - 16, 26
Declaration of conformity, 7 Description, 11
Device Type Register, 85 - 86 Digital Bus, 15
cable, 15, 26 - 27 cables, 42 ground, 15 handshake lines, 15 handshaking, 69 port, 15
triggering, 15 - 16, 50 - 51, 74
Direct Channel Configuration Register, 85, 89 Direct Control Register, 85, 90
Direct Terminals
connecting switchbox channels, 32 - 33 description of, 12