Measuring Temperature Using Thermocouples |
(HP E1353A Module only) | 43 |
Setup for Measuring Thermocouple Temperature using an External Multimeter . . | 43 |
Comments | 44 |
Chapter 4.Understanding the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules | 45 |
Using This Chapter | 45 |
Commands for Scanning Switchbox Channels | 45 |
Using Scanning Trigger Sources | 45 |
Scanning with External Instruments | 45 |
Using the Scan Complete Bit | 52 |
Chapter 5.HP E1351A/53A | 53 |
Using This Chapter | 53 |
Command Types | 53 |
Common Command Format | 53 |
SCPI Command Format | 53 |
Linking Commands | 55 |
SCPI Command Reference | 55 |
ABORt | 56 |
ARM | 57 |
:COUNt | 57 |
:COUNt? | 57 |
DISPlay | 58 |
:MONitor:CARD | 58 |
:MONitor[:STATe] | 59 |
INITiate | 60 |
:CONTinuous | 60 |
:CONTinuous? | 61 |
[:IMMediate] | 61 |
OUTPut | 62 |
[:STATe] | 62 |
[:STATe]? | 62 |
[ROUTe:] | 63 |
CLOSe | 63 |
CLOSe? | 64 |
OPEN | 64 |
OPEN? | 65 |
SCAN | 65 |
SCAN:MODE | 67 |
SCAN:MODE? | 67 |
SCAN:PORT | 68 |
SCAN:PORT? | 68 |
SETTling[:TIME] | 69 |
SETTling[:TIME]? | 69 |
STATus | 70 |
:OPERation:ENABle | 70 |
:OPERation[:EVENt]? | 70 |
SYSTem | 71 |
:CDEScription? | 71 |
2 HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer User’s Manual Contents