Managing the Hub
Managing the Hub
Console Command Reference
The Late Collision Monitoring option monitors ports for excessive late collisions. If monitored ports experience excessive late collisions, these ports are disabled.
See the section on
SEcure <portSHowCLear>
To control or display the hub’s security configuration, and to clear security violation indicators. The <port> parameter can be:
■XCVR or XC for the AUI port.
■ALL or AL for all ports
Security Configuration Parameter Definitions
The following security parameters are configurable on each of the hub’s network ports. These parameters are defined on the next two pages:
■Address selection method, or authorized MAC address
■Send alarm when intruder detected
■Eavesdrop prevention
An additional parameter, “Disable port when intruder detected”, is set automatically by your selection of the address selection method. See “Auto Port Disable” in Appendix F, “Security Information,” on this parameter.
Address selection method, or authorized MAC address. This is the method by which the hub automatically learns the address of the device that is authorized to use the port, or you can enter a specific address. The following methods are configurable: