Chapter 1 • Installing Quality Center Synchronizer
Click Next. If you selected to delete the existing database, click OK in the confirmation box.
17The Synchronizer Configuration Information dialog box opens. Click Next to start the configuration.
18When the configuration completes, the configuration results dialog box opens. Click Finish.
19A message box opens asking if you want to start the Synchronizer service. Click Yes if you want to start the service now. If you click No, you will need to start the service manually to begin working with the Synchronizer.
Verifying User Permissions for Service Logon
The user account you enter during server configuration must have permissions to log on as a service. For more information, see “Installing the Quality Center Synchronizer Server” on page 15.
To verify user permissions for service logon:
1From the Start menu, select Run and type secpol.msc.
2Click OK. The Local Security Settings dialog box opens.