Chapter 3 • Creating Synchronization Links

6You can now define how data fields and field values are mapped between the endpoints. For more information, see “Creating Field Mappings” on page 66.

Setting Event Options for Requirements Synchronization

After you define basic properties for the link, set scheduling and filter options, and create requirement type mappings, you define which type of synchronization is performed on each endpoint.

For each requirement type mapping, one endpoint is selected as master for the synchronization of records.

The event options for the master and non-master endpoints are summarized in the following table:


Event Options for

Event Options for the

Master Endpoint

Non-master Endpoint






When a record is created in the

When a record is created in this


master endpoint, a

endpoint, no action is taken in


corresponding record is created

the other endpoint.


in the other endpoint.






When a record is updated in the

When a record is updated in this


master endpoint, its

endpoint, the following options


corresponding record in the

are available:


other endpoint is updated.

No action is taken in the





other endpoint.



The corresponding record in



the other endpoint is








When a record is deleted in the

When a record is deleted in this


master endpoint, the following

endpoint, the following options


options are available:

are available:


No action is taken in the

No action is taken in the


other endpoint.

other endpoint.


The corresponding record in

The record is recreated based


the other endpoint is deleted.

on its corresponding record



in the other endpoint.