Chapter 3 • Creating Synchronization Links









It is strongly recommended that you map this field as



the destination of a mapping from a field in the other



endpoint, but you are able to run synchronization tasks



on the link if you do not create the mapping. A



recommended field that is unmapped causes a warning



during an integrity check if entity creation is enabled



for the endpoint.



For a Quality Center endpoint, a field is Recommended



in the Synchronizer if it is required in Quality Center



and is given a default value in Quality Center when a



record is created.






You do not need to map this field as the destination of a



mapping from a field in the other endpoint, but can



optionally do so.



For a Quality Center endpoint, a field is Optional in the



Synchronizer if it is not required in Quality Center and



is not given a default value in Quality Center when a



new record is created.




3To sort the fields by the data in a particular column, click the column header. Click the column header again to switch between sorting the data in ascending order and sorting the data in descending order.

4You can filter the fields displayed in the fields list using the filter buttons located above the list of fields:

To switch between showing and hiding Mandatory fields, click the Filter mandatory fields button.

To switch between showing and hiding Recommended fields, click the Filter recommended fields button.

To switch between showing and hiding Optional fields, click the Filter optional fields button.