Chapter 4 • Working with Quality Center Synchronizer

The report contains the following details:





Report For Link

The name of the synchronization link for which the task ran.




The final status of the task run.


Possible statuses:


Passed. Either all records synchronized successfully, or


there were no changed records to be synchronized.


Failed. No records synchronized successfully.


Passed with errors. At least one record synchronized


successfully. (Not relevant for integrity check task runs.)


Error. System error occurred preventing synchronization.


Cancelled. User cancelled synchronization task.



Run ID

A unique identification number for the task run, assigned by


the Synchronizer.



Run Type

The type of link task.



Run Start Time

The time the execution of the task started.



Run End Time

The time the execution of the task finished.




A summary of the following task run information, dependent


on the type of task run:


Integrity check. The number of checks passed, passed


with warning and failed.


Incremental synchronization and full synchronization.


A list of the number of records created, updated, and


deleted in each endpoint and the number of records


that the Synchronizer failed to synchronize.




Basic connection information about the two endpoints in


the link.