
Table 5-1: Troubleshooting continued




Possible Cause

Suggested Action

The Utility LED (

) is

The utility input voltage is above

No action is required. When the utility





the normal range and the UPS

input voltage returns to normal, the









is in Buck mode.

UPS will return to normal.









The Utility LED (

) is

The utility input voltage is below

No action is required. When the utility

flashing red and solid

the normal range and the UPS

input voltage returns to normal, the





is in Single Boost mode.

UPS will return to normal.









The Utility LED (

) is

The utility input voltage is below

No action is required. When the utility

flashing green and


the normal range and the UPS

input voltage returns to normal, the

solid red.



is in Double Boost mode.

UPS will return to normal.









The Utility LED (

) is

The utility input voltage is

If this condition exists for an extended

red, the On Battery

outside the +20% to –30%

period of time, the configuration may






) is flashing

nominal range.

need to be changed to be consistent









red, and an audible


with the utility voltage level. The UPS

alarm sounds.




is in battery mode. Save your current










work and prepare to power down the






























Contact a qualified electrician to verify










that the utility power is suitable for the



















The Utility LED (

) is

There is a UPS overload while

Power the loads down, and then power

green, the General


the UPS down. Reduce the amount of

Alarm LED (

) is



load on the UPS and restart the UPS

flashing red, the



and the loads.

Overload LED is red,


If the load is not exceeding the

and an audible alarm



capacity of the UPS, contact an










authorized service representative.














The Utility LED (

) is

The battery voltage failed a

Allow the UPS to charge the batteries

green, the General


for 24 hours. Initiate a self-test. If the

Alarm LED (

) is



LEDs remain illuminated, replace the

red, and the Bad




Battery/Low Battery








) is flashing

























The Utility LED () and the On Battery LED () are flashing red.

The utility voltage is too high or

The utility voltage is higher or lower

too low.

than the UPS operating range. The


UPS switches to battery power. If this


happens repeatedly, update the






Contact a qualified electrician to verify


that the utility power is suitable for the





The utility frequency is out of

Contact a qualified electrician to verify


that the utility power is suitable for the





HP Uninterruptible Power System R1500 XR Models User Guide

Page 37
Image 37
HP Uninterruaptible Power System R1500 XR Models 217823-002 manual Troubleshooting