Administering Indications and Instances Using HP SMH



Administering Indications Using EVWEB



is a switch used to specify the category of an event.



is a switch used to specify the location (email address



or Event Archive) to store an event.


A message stating that the execution of the evweb subscribe command


was successful is displayed on the screen.




The -nand the -vswitches are mandatory.




You can also use the following switches with the -Moption:

(-e [eq\ne\le\ge\bw] [:] <severity level1>[,<severity level2>])

(-v <comma separated event category names>)

(-i <comma separated EventID>)

(-t (archive\email) [<handler properties>])


To modify an event subscription, you must specify the criteria and the location. Following are the ways in which you can modify an event subscription:

If you do not specify the -roption and the location, the current location is retained and the subscription criteria are updated.

If you specify the -roption but not the location, the current location is removed and only the subscription criteria is updated.

If you specify both subscription criteria and location, both of them are updated.

If you specify the location but not the criteria, the location is updated but the original criteria is retained.

For more information on creating event subscriptions using the CLI, see evweb_subscribe (1).

Copying and Modifying an Event Subscription Using the GUI

To modify an event subscription by copying an existing event subscription, complete the following steps:

Chapter 4