Find Your Favorite Programs
Find Your Favorite Programs
Search by Title
If you know the name of the program you’re looking for, or even the first part of the name,
choose Search By Title from Pick Programs to Record. Then follow these steps:
1. If you wish, you can first narrow the search with a category and subcategory.
2. The next screen has a grid with numbers and
letters. Spell out the title using the arrow buttons
to move, then pressing SELECT on each letter
you want. (Skip “a,” “an,” or “the.”) As you
select letters, an alphabetical list of programs
appears on the right. Keep selecting letters until
you see your program.
You can use the TiVo remote for some
functions too. The CLEAR button on the remote
erases everything; BACK erases one letter at a time; FORWARD inserts a space.
3. When you see your program, press RIGHT arrow until the highlight is in the list. To
move the highlight within the list, press the UP and DOWN arrows. To move quickly
up or down the list one screen at a time, press CHAN UP/DOWN.
4. Press SELECT when the title you want is highlighted. The Program Information
screen will appear. Then you can view upcoming episodes, set up a Season Pass, or
record an individual showing.
Browsing a category. You can browse through programs in any category and subcategory
you choose. Numbers come before letters, so to start from the top of the list, enter a zero.
Replace hyphens ( - ), slashes ( / )
and periods ( . ) with spaces. For
example, use 20 20 to search for the title
“20/20.” Any other marks, such as
apostrophes ( ’ ), asterisks ( * ) and
ampersands ( & ) are ignored.
For example, you would use
6 OCLOCK NEWS to search for the title
“6 O’Clock News.”
If you only know one word in the
title, use a Title Wishlist to find the
program. See page 54 for details.
TiVo Central Pick Programs to Record Search by Title