Grid Rotation

Grid Rotation allows you to set the orientation of the trolling grid in degrees, where a setting of 0° displays a standard North,South, East, West alignment. See Navigation Menu Tab: Waypoints for information on how to set a Grid.

NOTE: This fea ture may appear as ei ther Trolling Gr id Rotation or Grid Rotation, depending on your model.

To change the Grid Rotation setting:1.Highlight Grid Rotation on the Navigation main menu.

2.Press t he LEFT or R IGHT Cursor k eys to cha nge t he Gr id Rotation setting. (0° to 89°, Default = 0°)

Trackpoint Interval

Trackpoint Interval allows you to select the time period between trackpoints. The current track can only contain u p to 20,000 trackpoints, so longer time periods cause th e track to extend back further in time, but will be less detailed.

NOTE: Trackpoint Interval works i n c onjunction with T rack Min Distance. Both conditions must be met before a trackpoint is added to the current track.

To change the Trackpoint Interval setting:1.Highlight Trackpoint Interval on the Navigation main menu.

2.Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the Trackpoint Interval setting. (1 second, 5 se conds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds, Default = 1 second)

NOTE: During sl ow travel o r drift, s etting both Trackpoint Interval and Track Min Distance to small values will allow you to increase the track resolution.

Navigation Menu Tab