Press the MARK key while in any view to mark the position of a waypoint. T he MARK key fu nction wo rks if y ou have the GPS receiver connected. The waypoint location and characteristics are influenced by

the active features on the control head as follows:

If t he cursor is a ctive, the wayp oint w ill b e ma rked a t the cursor location.

If t he cursor is not active, the waypoint will b e m arked at the boa t location.

GOTO KeyThe GOTO key has multiple functions, depending on the situation:

If the Cursor is active, press the GOTO key while in any view to create a waypoint and start navigation towards that waypoint.

If the Cursor is n ot active , press the GOTO k ey to display the saved waypoints list, and then highlight a waypoint. Press the RIGHT C ursor key to begin navigation.

ZOOM (+/-) KeyThe ZO OM (+/- ) key h as mu ltiple functions, depending on the situation:

In any of the Navigation Views or the Sonar Zoom View, press the +/- Zoom key to change the scale of the view to appear closer or far ther away.

Key Functions