What’s On the Sonar Display

The 500 Series™ Fishfinder can display a variety of useful information about the

Depth - water depth; can be set to alarm when the water becomestoo shallow.

Temperature - water surface temperature.

Timer - Elapsed time with Temp/Speed

Accessory or GPS Receiver.

Distance - Distance traveled with Temp/Speed

Accessory or GPS Receiver.

Average Speed - Average speed reading with

Temp/Speed Accessory or GPS Receiver.

Speed - if a Temp/Speed accessory or GPS Receiver is attached, the Fishfinder can display the speed of the boat and can keep a Triplog of nautical or statutemiles traveled.

Second Sonar Return - when the sonar signal bouncesbetweenthebottomand thesurface ofthe water and backagain. Use the appearance of the second returnto determine bottomhardness. Hard bottomswillshowa strongsecondreturn,whilesoft bottomswillshowa veryweakone ornoneat all.

Cursor Dialog Box - indicates cursor depth on the display and the depth of the bottom directly below the cursor. The Latitude and Longitude of the cursor position, the distance to travel to the cursor position and the bearing to the cursor position is shown with a GPS receiver. A waypoint can be marked at the cursor position for later retrieval and use with a GPS receiver.

NOTE: Entriesin this view that list (with Temp/Speedor GPS Receiver)are availableif either device informationfrom the GPS receiverwill be displayedon the view.

What’s On the Sonar Display