Units - Speed

Units - Speed selects the units of measure for speed- related readouts, and w ill appear in t he menu if a Temp/Speed Accessory is connected and the paddlewheel has movedat least once, or if the GPS Receiver is connected.

To change the Units - Speed setting:

1. Highlight Units - Speed on the Setup main menu.

2. Press the L EFT or RIGHT Cu rsor ke ys to cha nge the Units - Speed setting. (Do mestic Mode ls: mph, kts; I nternational Models: k ph; Default = mph/kph)

User Mode

User M ode sets th e menu sy stem to Nor mal or Advanced. When set to Normal (default setting), the basic set of menu options are sho wn in the menu s ystem. When set to Ad vanced, a dditional menu options ar e added to the menu syst em. See Main Menu: U ser Mode for details.

To change the User Mode setting:

1.Highlight User Mode on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the User Mode setting. (Normal, Advanced, Default = Normal)


(International only)

Language selects the display language for menus. International Models only.

To change the Language setting:

1.Highlight Language on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor ke ys to change the Language setting. (Default = English)

Setup Menu Tab