Default Sonar View


Customized Sonar View







NOTE: The availability of the digital readout information corresponds with the view selected, the accessory attached, and whether or not you are navigating.

Depth Offset


Depth Offset will adjust the digital dep th readout to indicate d epth from the waterline o r boat's keel. Ent er a pos itive vertical measurement from the transducer to t he waterline t o r ead t he d epth from the water line. Enter a negative vertical measurement from the tr ansducer to keel to read the depth from the ke el. This m enu option is available when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode).

To change the Depth Offset setting:

1. Make sure the User Mode is s et to Advanced, t hen highlight Depth Offset on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the L EFT or RIG HT Cursor k eys t o chan ge the Depth Offset setting. (-10.0 to +10.0 feet or -3 to 3 meters [International Models only], Default = 0)


Setup Menu Tab