Routes link two or more waypoints together to create a path for navigation and are used in trip planning. You can linkindividual waypoints together by using the GOTO key. A route represents your intended navigation and shows the shortest path from each waypoint to the next. As you travel a route, staying on the route line is the most efficient way to ge t to your dest ination, although you shoul d always l ook out for obstac les not show n on the chart. Your 500 Se ries™ Fishfinder can store up to 50 routes that can each contain up to 50 waypoints.

Tracks consist of detailed posit ion history and are displayed as a breadcrumb trail of trackpoints. The Current Track shows the position history since the unit was powered up (maximum of 20,000 trackpoints displayed). You can clear the Current Track or save it at any time. Your 500 Series™ Fishfinder can store up to 5 0 s aved tr acks, each containing 20,000 trackpoints. The curr ent tr ack represents your actual path so far.

Save, Edit, or Delete a Waypoint

Save your current position as a waypoint:On any view, press the MARK key to save the currentposition of the boat as a waypoint.

Save the cursor position as a waypoint:On the Chart or Combo View, use the 4- WAY Cursor Control key to move the cursor to the position you want to save as a waypoint. Then pressthe MARK key to save the position as a waypoint.

Save a position from thesonar history: On any Sonar View, use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move the cursor to a feature in the sonar history (also called the Sonar Saver feature). Press the M ARK key to create a waypo int at the location where that sonar reading was taken. Thenew waypoint will also record thedepth at that location.

NOTE: When you s ave a wa ypoint by any o f th ese methods, a numerical waypoint name is automatically assigned. You can edit the waypoint information later to give it a different name and select an ic on to represent it (see Program or Edit the waypoint fields).

Display the Waypoints Submenu: From any view, press the MENU key twice to display the Main Menu, then use the RIGHT Cursor key to select the Navigation tab. Select Waypoints, and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display the Waypoints submenu.

Introduction to Navigation