Units - DepthUnits - Depth selects t he units of measure for all depth-related readouts.To change the Units - Depth setting:1.Highlight Units - Depth on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the L EFT or RIG HT Curs or keys to change the Un its - Depth setting. (Dome stic Models: Feet , Fath oms; International Models: Meters; Default = Feet/Meters)

Units - Temp

(International only)

Units - Temp selects the units of measure for all temperature-related readouts. International Models only.

To change the Units - Temp setting:1.Highlight Units - Temp on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the Units - Temp setting. (Celsius, Fahrenheit; Default = Celsius)

Units - Distance

Units - Distance selects the units of measure for all distance-related readouts, and will ap pear in th e menu if a Tem p/Speed Accessory is connected and the paddlewheel has moved at least once, or if the GPS Receiver is connected.

To change the Units - Distance setting:1.Highlight Units - Distance on the Setup main menu.

2.Pressthe LEFTor RIGHT Cursor keys to change theUnits- Distance setting. (DomesticModels: Statute Miles, Nautical Miles, Default = Statute Miles; International Models: Me ters/Kilometers, Meters /Nautical Miles, Feet/Statute Miles, Feet/Nautical Miles, Default = Meters/Kilometers)


Setup Menu Tab