Navigate to a Waypoint or Position

Navigate t o th e c ursor pos ition: From the Char t or Com bo View, use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move the cursor to a position or waypoint on the display. Press the GOTO key. Navigation will begin immediately.

Navigate to a specified waypoint: Press the GOTO key. Press the DOWN Cursor key to highlight a waypoint from the saved waypoints list, and press the RIGHT Cursor key to start navigation.

NOTE: By repeating the previous instructions, you can add more waypoints to create a longer multi-segment route.

Chart View





NOTE: When two or more waypoints overlap, or are displayed close together on a chart view, the screen will automatically declutter—waypoint names will shorten and the waypoint icons will change into small blue icons.

To view a Decluttered Waypointat full size, use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move the cursor onto a decluttered waypoint icon. When the cursor snaps onto the icon, the full-size waypoint name and icon will be displayed. You can also press the ZOOM+ key until you can see the individual waypoints on the screen.

Introduction to Navigation