Select Readouts

The readout position on the screen is shown in the Select Readouts Window.

Select Readouts

(Advanced, Sonar View only)

Select Readouts sets individual digital readouts on th e S onar View. Th is Advanced f eature allows you to select what data will be displayed in each of 6 fixed-position da ta windows arranged around t he left and b ottom edges of the Sonar View screen, or whether a particular window will be turned off, displaying nothing in that area. This menu o ption is a vailable w hen User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode).

Data win dows ca n dis play reado uts from supported accessories such as GPS Receiver or Temp/Speed. Each data window can be empty or co ntain one of the following information categories:

• Course

• Time + Date

• Navigation• Triplog
• Position• Voltage
SpeedTemperatureTo change Select Readouts:

1.Make sure the User Mode is set t o Advanced, then highlight Selec t Readouts on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the RIGHT Cursor key to access the Select Readouts submenu.

3.Press the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to select a Readout position, then press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to choose what will be displayed in that position. To hide the data window, select Off. (Course, Navigation, Off, Position, Speed, Temperature, Time+Date, Triplog, Voltage)

Setup Menu Tab