Local Time Zone


Local Time Zone selects your time zone in reference to the time reported by the GPS receiver when Time+Date is selected as a Digita l Readout on the So nar View (see Setup Menu Tab: Select Read outs). This menu option is available when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode).

To change the Local Time Zone:

1.Make sure the User Mode is set to Advanced, then highlight Local Time Zone on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the L EFT or RIG HT Cursor k eys to cha nge the L ocal Time Zone (Default = EST [UTC-5] - Eastern Standard Time).

Daylight Saving Time


Daylight Saving Time adjusts t he t ime display to acco unt for loca l Daylight Saving Time when Time+Date is selected as a Digital Readout on the Sona r View (see Setup Menu Tab: Select Readouts).

Selecting O n adds one hour to the t ime display ad justed for your local time zone. Selecting Off leaves the time display as adjusted for your local time zone. This menu option is available wh en the U ser M ode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode).

To change the Daylight Saving Time setting:

1.Make sure the User Mode is set t o Advanced, then highlight Daylight Saving Time on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the LEFT or RI GHT Cursor keys to turn Daylight Saving Time On or Off. (Off, On, Default = Off)


Setup Menu Tab