Waypoint: A Waypoint is the save d location (latitude, longitude) of a point of interest that is stored in a GPS receiver’s memory. This caninclude a marker buoy, dock, fishing hole or anywhere else the user may want to return to. Humminbird® products o ffer the ability to name and a ssign a symbol to the saved location. Depth, Date and Time of Day when the waypoint was created is alsosaved.

Waypoint Target: Waypoint Target is a Hum minbird® f eature that displays a precise “bull’s eye” around a selected waypoint. This bull’s eye is used to easily monitor boa t posit ion relative to a waypo int, a nd is useful fo r fishi ng over submerged structure. With Waypoint Targets, a quick look at the screen lets you know how far off the waypoint the boat has drifted.
