Triplog Reset

Triplog Reset resets th e Triplo g to zer o, a nd will appear in the menu if a Temp/Speed A ccessory is connected and the paddlewheel has movedat least once, or if the GPS Receiver

is connected.

The Triplog provides the following information: timer for elapsed time, distance traveled since last reset, and average speed.

NOTE: See Setup Menu Tab: Select Readouts (Advanced) to find outhow to display Triplog information on the screen.

To Reset Triplog:1.Highlight Reset Triplog on the Setup main menu.2.Press the RIGHT Cursor key to initiate Triplog Reset.

3. The Conf irm dialog box will appear. To reset the Trip log, p ress the RIGHT Cursor key once more. To cancel Reset Triplog, press the LEFT Cursor key.

Restore DefaultsRestore Defaults resets ALL menu settings to their factory defaults.Use this menu choice with caution!To Restore Defaults:1.Highlight Restore Defaults on the Setup main menu.2.Press the RIGHT Cursor key to initiate restoring defaults.

3. The Co nfirm dialog box will appear. To reset the defa ults, press the RIGHT Cursor k ey once m ore. To cancel Resto re Def aults, press the LEFT Cursor key.


Setup Menu Tab