Position Format


Position Forma t selects the format of the latitu de a nd lon gitude position display. This menu option is available when the User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode).

To change the Position Format setting:


Make sure the Us er Mode is set to Advanced, then highlight Position


Format on the Setup main menu.


Press the LEFT or R IGHT Cursor keys to change the Position Format.


(dd.ddddd°, dd°mm.mmm', or dd°mm'ss", Default = dd°mm.mmm')

Time Format

(Advanced, International only)

Time Format changes the time forma t used by the unit . This menu option is available w hen t he User Mode is set to Advanced (see Main Men u: User Mode). International Models only.

Time Format selects a 12 hour or 24 hour format for the time of day displayed when Time + D ate is selected as a Digita l Rea dout on the So nar View (see Setup Menu Tab: Select Readouts).

To change the Time Format:

1. Make s ure the Us er Mode is set to Ad vanced, th en highlight Time Format on the Setup main menu.

2.Press the L EFT or RIG HT Cursor k eys to change the Time Forma t. (12 hour, 24 hour, Default = 12 hour)

Setup Menu Tab