Resident fonts, also called internal fonts, are fonts that are stored on the printer. By
storing these fonts on the printer, the fonts do not need to be downloaded from the
operating system which helps improve print time. There are two types of fonts available:
PCL and Adobe PostScript. The PCL fonts are standard, while the Adobe PostScript
fonts are only available if the Adobe PostScript feature is installed or your purchased
the IBM Network Printer 24PS model.
Network Administrator Tip
By using resident fonts, printing time may be improved because the fonts do not
need to be downloaded from the operating system. In a network environment,
reducing the number of fonts that are downloaded per print job could increase print
performance. You may want to encourage your users to select and use from their
applications those fonts that are resident on the printer.
PCL FontsThe following PCL fonts are resident on the printer. If you are not familiar with these
fonts, you can print a listing of these fonts directly from the printer. See “Printing a List
of PCL5e Fonts” on page 39 for information on printing a font list.
35 PCL Outline Fonts - commonly called Intellifonts:
– Albertus Medium, Albertus Extra Bold
– Antique Olive, Antique Olive Bold, Antique Olive Italic
– CG Omega, CG Omega Bold, CG Omega Italic, CG Omega Italic Bold
– CG Times, CG Times Bold, CG Times Italic, CG Times Bold Italic
– Clarendon Condensed
– Coronet
– Courier, Courier Bold, Courier Italic, Courier Bold Italic
– Garmond Antiqua
– Garmond Halfbett
– Garmond Kursiv
– Garmond Kursiv Halfbett
– Letter Gothic, Letter Gothic Bold, Letter Gothic Italic
– Marigold
– Univers Medium, Univers Bold, Univers Medium Condensed, Univers Medium
Condensed Italic, Univers Bold Condensed Italic
10 True Type Fonts
– Arial, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, Arial Bold Italic
– Symbol
– Times New Roman, Times New Roman Bold, Times New Roman Italic, Times
New Roman Bold Italic
– Wingdings
2 Bit Mapped Fonts
– LinePrinter 16.7 pitch, 8.5 Point (portrait)
20 User's Guide