Network Administrator Tip
When selecting the Density and Quality settings, keep in mind that these settings
affect toner usage. For example, if you select Density value of 12 and Quality value
of Refine, you will use more toner per print job than a Density value of 6 and
Quality value of Econo. For optimum toner usage, try setting Density to 3 and
Quality to Econo.
The settings you use will depend upon the types of jobs your users print. For
instance, if your users print primarily memos and word processing jobs, try using
the Quality setting of Econo with a lower Density setting. If your users print primarily
spreadsheets or documents with complex graphics, try using the Quality setting of
REFINE and a higher density setting.
If your users include photographs in their print jobs, you may want to use the
NORMAL setting instead of REFINE. Often photographs are scanned or copied at a
low resolution and using the REFINE mode may not improve the quality of the
Chapter 3. Navigating Through the Operator Panel Menus 53