Prompt Description
File Specifies that you want to work with all source overlay files in the library
or a subset of source overlay files in the library. Choose from the
source overlay file name
Specify a source overlay file name for a display with only
that source overlay name in the list.
generic name
Specify a partial name of the source overlay file name
qualified by an asterisk (*) to display a specific subset of
source overlay files. The generic name is the following
ABC* Display a list of all source overlay files that begin
with the characters ABC. For example, ABC,
*ALL To display all the source overlays in the specified library.
Position to This prompt is used for quick repositioning of the list, not for creating a
subset of the list. Choose one of the following:
*TOP To go to the top of the list.
*BOT To go to the bottom of the list.
name or partial name
Specifies the name or partial name you want to go to in the
list. The list is positioned to the first name beginning with
the string specified.
Option Description
1=Create Creates a source overlay file. Type 1 in the
column, and the name
of source overlay file and library you want to create in the first line in
the list.
The Work with Source Overlays display appears after the source
overlay file is created so that you can create source overlays in the
source overlay file. See “1=Create Source Overlay File” on page 87 for
more information.
Note: To create a source overlay file, you need a library in which the
source overlay file will reside. If you do not have any libraries,
you can create a library by entering the Create library (CRTLIB)
command on a command line on any display.
2=Change Changes the description text of a source overlay file. Type 2 in the
column beside the name of the source overlay file for which you want to
change its description. See “2=Change Source Overlay File
Description” on page 89 for more information.
3=Copy Copies a source overlay file to a new source overlay file. Type 3 in the
column beside the name of the source overlay file you want to
copy. When the source overlay file is copied, all source overlays in the
file are also copied. See “3=Copy Source Overlay File” on page 90 for
more information.
4=Delete Deletes a source overlay file. Type 4 in the
column beside the
name of the source overlay file you want to delete. You can confirm
the choice on the next display before deleting the file. When the source
overlay file is deleted, all source overlays in the file are also deleted.
See “4=Delete Source Overlay File” on page 91 for more information.
7=Rename Changes the name of a source overlay file. Type 7 in the
beside the source overlay file you want to rename.
84 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide