sample label 10
sample overlay 9, 24, 459
DMAS form 459
MAPICS/DB form 460
sample PFD definition 460
AIAG label 461
EIA label 461
Save PFD Definition display 189
save source overlay 71
screen view 221, 222
tasks 448
scroll 225
select database file 155
Select Database File display 155
Select Database File Member display 211
select field in record format 273
Select Field in Record Format display 114
select page segment 267
select record format 156
Select Record Format display 156, 158
Select Source Overlay Font display 240
send PFD definition 395
send source overlay 395
sense code 405
set default (font) 298
shading in box
restrictions 390, 393
shading pattern 248
screen 438
shading type 248
size (character) 239
size (graphics) 273, 390
size (overlay specifications) 64
size (PFD specifications) 148
solid line 243, 247
element (list view) 286
sort element list (list view) 286
source drawer 182
source object type 325
source overlay 59
change 73
copy 74
create 63
define overlay specifications 64
delete 75
design overlay 70
print 76
rename 77
save 71
send 395
work with source overlay fonts 70
source overlay file 81
change description 89
source overlay file
copy 90
create 87
delete 91
display description 92
rename 92
source overlay files
tasks 446
source overlays
tasks 445
Specify Break Fields display 157
Specify Database File display 154
Specify Record Selection display 179
specify variable graphics 275
specify variable page segment 268
overlay utility 57
Print Format Utility 135
resource management utility 315
start overlay utility 57
start Print Format Utility 135
start printing by PRTPFDDTA
start resource management utility 315
STRAFPU command 355
STROVLU command 355
FILE parameter 356
MBR parameter 357
OPTION parameter 357
STRPFU command 357
OPTION parameter 359
PFDFILE parameter 358
PFDMBR parameter 359
summary data 173, 175
*AVG 175
*CNT 175
*FIRST 175
*LAST 175
*MAX 175
*MIN 175
*TOTAL 175
bar code is not printed 403
character size is not as expected 404
different image (page segment) is printed 404
element position is not as expected 405
font is not as expected 404
graphics is not printed 404
image (page segment) is not printed 403
length of the dotted or the dashed line is not
correct 405
nothing is printed 403
one or more elements are not printed 404
page number is not printed 403
shading in the box element is not correct 405
text in a box is not formatted correctly 404
text in graphics is not as expected 405
Index 489