Line Element and Position
Measurement Method is Row/Column

Line Placement is Border

The top of a horizontal line is positioned to the top of
the row. The left side of a vertical line is positioned to the left of the column.
│ Start │ End
│ Column │ Column
───────┼─────────────────── - - - - - - ───────────────────┼───────
H o r i z o n t a l L i n e
├─────────────────── - - - - - - ───────────────────┤
Row n
────────┼───────────┼─────── - - - - - - ───────┼───────────┼───────
│ Column n│
Start │ V │
Row │ e │
│ r │
│ t │
│ i │
│ c │
────────┤ a ├───────┼───────
: l : :
───────┤ l ├───────┼───────
│ i │
End │ n │
Row │ e │

Line Placement is Center

The center of a horizontal line or the top of a vertical
line is positioned to the center of the column or row. The center of a vertical line or
the left edge of a horizontal line is positioned to the center of the column.
│ Start │End
│ Column │Column
───────┼───────────┼─────── - - - - - - ───────┼───────────┼───────
Row n │ ┌───────────── - - - - - - ─────────────┐
H o r i z o n t a l L i n e ��
└───────────── - - - - - - ─────────────┘
────────┼───────────┼─────── - - - - - - ───────┼───────────┼───────
│ Column n│
│ ┌───┐
│ V │
│ e │
│ r │
────────┼───┤ t ├───┼───────
│ i │
: : c : :
: : a : :
: : l : :
│ │
───────┼───┤ l ├───┼───────
│ i │
End │ n │
Row │ e │
│ └───┘
408 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide