Hardware and Software, AIX
vAIX Version 4.2
Later levels of some listed products might be required for AIX Version 4.2, SMP, and SP™. Later levels of operating system might be required to support corequisite products.
For TCP/IP connectivity:
vTCP/IP (in the operating system)
For SNA LU 6.2 connectivity:
vIBM eNetwork™ Communications Server for AIX, Version 5.0
Optional software
vIBM DCE Version 2.2. This must be the U.S. Domestic version supporting DES encryption if the user wishes to run the
MQSeries DCE names and security modules are provided as part of the MQSeries for AIX product.
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on AIX Clients
The following compilers are supported:
vIBM C for AIX, Version 4.4
vIBM C Set++ for AIX, Version 3.1
vIBM C and C++ compiler, Version 3.6
vIBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 4.0
vIBM COBOL Set for AIX, Version 1.1
vMicro Focus COBOL Compiler for UNIX®, Version 4.0
vIBM PL/I Set for AIX, Version 1.1
vIBM VisualAge Java Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version 2.0
Components for AIX
MQSeries Client
The MQSeries client code for your UNIX platform.
Sample application programs.
Support for DCE in Samples
The DCE samples support. This should be installed only if you are going to use DCE.
Run-time component
Support for external applications. This does not enable you to write your own applications.
Base Support to enable you to create and support your own applications. Requires the