vTokenRing or Ethernet networks via the i-data 7913 RPQ for the IPDS datastream.
System support via Parallel Attachment
The 4247-001 can use the IBM Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) in IBM 4202 Proprinter III XL or IBM
2381 Personal Printer emulations by choosing the corresponding device driver for the systems listed below
as supporting the PPDS datastream and the corresponding emulation on the Operator panel.
In Epson FX emulation mode the 4247-001 can print files coded for the Epson FX-1050 using the Epson
ESC/P printer control language.
Also, native 4247 support is provided for AIX and the Host Print Transformfunction in OS/400. The
following systems support the 4247-001:
Table88. System Support Through Parallel Attachments for the 4247 Printer
System Software - Minimum Level Emulation
IBM PS/2 and IBM Personal
Computers OS/2 2.1
OS/2 LAN Server 3.0
OS/2 Communications Manager/2 1.0
DOS 5.0
Microsoft Windows 3.0
PPDS or Epson FX
IBM RISC System/6000 AIX Version3.2.5 PPDS or Epson FX
IBMAS/400 OS/400 V2.3 Host Print Transform
OS/400 V2.3
PC Support/400 W/S Function V2.2
ClientAccess/400 V3.1
Personal Communication forAS/400
for Windows V4.0
Personal Communication forAS/400
for OS/2 V4.0
IBM 5250 Enhanced Emulation for
Windows V1.1
IBM 5250 Enhanced Emulation for
DOS V2.4
PPDS or Epson FX
Network Operating System Support via Parallel Attachment
The Network Print Server features are supported in the following environments:
Table89. Network Operating System Support through Parallel Attachments for the 4247 Printer
Protocol Operating System
IPX/SPX Novell NetWare 3.11 and above
Novell NetWare 4.01 and above using bindery emulation
TCP/IP Novell NetWare 3.11and aboveIBM LAN Server 1.3 and aboveNovell NetWare 4.01 and
above using bindery emulation
NETBEUI IBM LAN Server 1.3 and above
TCP/IP IBM LAN Server 1.3 and above
NETBEUI Microsoft LAN Manager 2.0c and above
TCP/IP Microsoft LAN Manager 2.0c and above
NETBEUI Windows NT 3.1 and above
132 Printer Information