Note: Refer to the IBM 4400 Thermal Label Printer Coax/Twinax Programmer’s Reference Manual for
details and limitations concerningthe twinax and coax emulations.
The ASCII Emulation software provides the following emulations:
vPrinter Protocols
–IBM Proprinter III XL
–Epson FX-1050
–Printronix P-Series
–Printronix P-Series XQ
–Printronix Serial Matrix
vPage Orientations:
–Portrait/Inverted Portrait
–Landscape/Inverted Landscape
–Bit Image Graphics
–P-Series Compatible Plot Mode
vVertical Page Formatting
–Printronix P-Series Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU)
–Serial Matrix Vertical Formatting Unit (VFU)
vCharacter Sets:
–ECMA-94 Latin 1
–DEC Multinational
–IBM Code Page 437 and 850
–International symbol sets in the following categories:
- Arabic Sets
- Cyrillic Sets
- European Sets
- Greek Sets
- Hebrew Sets
- Turkish Sets
vFont Typefaces:
–Letter Gothic
–CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed
–Ability to download True Type.
Refer to the IBM 4400 Thermal Label Printer ASCII Programmer’s Reference Manual for details and
limitations concerning the ASCII emulations
When the Ethernet 10/100 BaseT Network Interface Card is installed, the following Network Operating
Systems and protocols are supported:
Table98. Ethernet Support for the 4400 Thermal Printer
Operating System Protocol
OS/2 Warp3&4
OS/400 (V3.2 and later)
Windows 98
Windows NT
Windows 2000
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