Table92. 4247 Printer Print-Quality Selection Values (continued)
Print-Quality Level Hexadecimal ValueRange Decimal ValueRange
DP Quality X'2B' through X'55' 43 through 85
DP TextQuality X'56' through X'AA' 86 through 170
NLQ Quality X'AB' through X'FE' 171 through 254
Printer Customized Default X'FF' 255
Not all symbol sets can be printed at all print-quality levels. Table93 identifies the print-quality levels that
can be used for some of the 4247 Printer symbol sets and suggests the name of a corresponding coded
font that may be used for each symbol set. Refer to the 4247 Printer publications for a list of 4247 Printer
symbol sets.
Table93. 4247 Printer Symbol Sets and Corresponding Coded Fonts
Symbol Sets 4247 Printer Print Quality
Fast Draft DP Quality DP text NLQ
APL10 X0AE10
Courier Bold 10 Pitch X0CB10 X0CB10
Courier Bold 12 Pitch X0CB12 X0CB12
Courier Bold 15 Pitch X0CB15 X0CB15
Courier Double Wide Italic 15 Pitch X0CW15 X0CW15
Courier Double Wide 15 Pitch X0CD15 X0CD15
Courier Italic 10 Pitch X0CI10 X0CI10
Courier Italic 12 Pitch X0CI12 X0CI12
Courier Italic 15 Pitch X0CI15 X0CI15
Courier 10 Pitch X0CR10 X0CR10
Courier 12 Pitch X0CR12 X0CR12
Courier 15 Pitch X0CR15 X0CR15
Essay Bold Mixed Pitch X0EBR9 X0EBR9
Essay Italic Mixed Pitch X0EIR9 X0EIR9
Essay Standard Mixed Pitch X0ESR9 X0ESR9
Gothic Text10 Pitch X0GB10 X0GB10
Gothic Bold 10 Pitch X0GB12 X0GB12
Gothic Text12 Pitch X0GI12 X0GI12
Gothic Bold 12 Pitch X0GT10 X0GT10
Gothic Italic 12 Pitch X0GT12 X0GT12
Gothic Text15 Pitch X0GT15 X0GT15
Katakana X0KN10 X0KN10
PSF selects symbol sets according to the following hierarchy:
1. If you select a symbol set that matches the print quality specified in the form definition, PSF prints the
136 Printer Information