meets at regular intervals to prepare a list of technical
questions related to telephone and telegraph services.
TheAssembly assigns these questions to study groups,
which then prepare recommendations to be presented
at the next plenary meeting.Approved
recommendations are published for the use of
engineers, scientists, and manufacturers around the
The committee’s name has been changed to
International TelecommunicationsUnion-
TelecommunicationsStandardization Sector (ITU-TSS).
IOCA. See Image Object Content Architecture.
IPDS. See Intelligent Printer Data Stream.
JJCL. Job control language. See job control language.
JES. Job entry subsystem. See job entry system.
job control language (JCL). Acontrol language used
to identify a job to an operating system and to describe
the requirements of the job.
job entry subsystem (JES). Asystem facility for
spooling, job queuing, and managing I/O.
Kkanji. Nonphonetic Chinese characters used in
Japanese written language. In a font representing kanji
characters, each character is represented by a
double-byte font.
LLAN. LocalArea Network
landscape page presentation. The position of a
printed sheet that has its long edges as the top and
bottom and its short edges as the sides. Contrast with
portrait page presentation.
vIn PSF for OS/2, a directory,a list of files stored on a
disk or diskette.
vIn PSF for OS/390, a partitioned data set or a series
of concatenated data sets.
vIn PSF/VM, a collection of CMS files, generally with
the same file type.
vIn PSF/VSE, a library sublibrary.
line data. Data prepared for printing on a line printer,
such as a 3800 Model 1. Line data is usually
characterized by carriage-control characters and table
reference characters. Contrast with MO:DCA-P data.
line merging. Printing two or more records of line data
at the same location on the page. Line merging is used
with line data to mix different fonts on the same line, to
underscore or overstrike, and on impact printers to
create darker print.
line printer. Adevice that prints a line of characters as
a unit. (I) (A) Contrast with page printer.
lines per inch (lpi). (1) .The number of lines that can
be printed vertically within an inch. (2)A unit of
measurement for the specification of the placement of
the baseline.
local attached. In PSF,an SNA-attached device that
does not have a communications controller in its
configuration. For example, a 3812 printer connected to
a channel-attached 3174 control unit defined to the host
system through VTAMis considered to be a
local-attached printer.Contrast with communication
logical page. Apresentation space. One or more
object areas or data blocks may be mapped to a logical
page.A logical page has specifiable characteristics,
such as size, shape, orientation, and offset. The shape
of a logical page is the shape of a rectangle. Orientation
and offset are specified relative to a medium coordinate
system. See also page.
logical page origin. (1) The point on the logical page
from which positions of images, graphics, page
overlays, and text with 0-degree inline direction are
measured. (2) The point on the logical page
represented by Xp=0, Yp=0 in the Xp coordinate system.
lpi. Lines per inch.
LU type 1. An SNAlogical unit type that provides a
communication protocol among host application
programs and terminals. Some printers also use this
protocol to communicate with host application programs.
LU type 6.2. An SNAlogical unit type that converges
functions from existing LU types to provide a single,
interchangeable communication protocol.
Mmacro. Synonym for macroinstruction.
macroinstruction. An instruction that causes the
execution of a predefined sequence of instructions.
magnetic ink character recognition (MICR).
Character recognition of characters printed with ink that
contains particles of a magnetic material. (I) (A)
magnetic toner. Tonerused with specific printers to
print magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) fonts.
manual forms feed. The ability to manually feed a
medium into a printing device rather than having the
device automatically feed the medium.
200 Printer Information