Table108. Font Width Calculation for Proportionally Spaced Fonts (continued)
Width Points Calculation
73 11 (11x20)/3
80 12 (12x20)/3
93 14 (14x20)/3
107 16 (16x20)/3
120 18 (18x20)/3
133 20 (20x20)/3
160 24 (24x20)/3
200 30 (30x20)/3
240 36 (36x20)/3
320 48 (48x20)/3
400 60 (60x20)/3
480 72 (72x20)/3
Tables Listing Printer-Resident FontsThis rest of this appendix contains tables listing fonts resident in specific printers. These fonts can be
shipped on diskettes, cartridges, font cards, in printer microcode, or in some type of printer storage,
depending on the printer. With PSF/MVS and PSF/VSE, you can use a utility to mark host versions of
these fonts that will allow PSF to activate the fonts resident in the printers. On PSF/MVS, the utility is
called APSRMARK; on PSF/VSE,APTRMARK. PSF/VM, PSF/400, and PSF/6000 use tables to map
resident fonts to the equivalent host fonts, providing access to the resident fonts on select printers.
1. The lists of printer resident fonts in this appendix may not be complete. Your printer may contain fonts
not listed here. Also, your PSF libraries may contain host-equivalent fonts that are not resident in your
printer. In either case, using fonts not listed in this section may produce unexpected results.
2. Some of the fonts listed in these tables are IBM font licensed programs, which may or may not be
installed in your PSF font libraries. Before marking a font on PSF/MVS with APSRMARK or on
PSF/VSE with APTRMARK, ensure that the host-equivalent font is available.
3. For some of the bold fonts listed, the bold printing is done by your printer. Refer to your printer
publications for more information.
4. Fonts shipped with the IBM AFP Font Collection are already marked and do not have to be marked
using APSRMARK orAPTRMARK, thereby enabling you to use the fonts resident in the AFCCU
Abbreviations Used in the TablesThe tables throughout this appendix use the following abbreviations:
DEC Decimal (a numbering system based on 10)
FGID Font typeface global identifier
FW Font width (the width of the space character in 1/1440ths-inch units)
Graphic character set global identifier
CPGID Code page global identifier
GRID Global resource identifier
HEX Hexadecimal (a numbering system based on 16)
IB Italic Bold
IM Italic Medium
176 Printer Information