2. If you select a symbol set but do not specify a print quality, the print quality selected in the printer
configuration or the printer default print quality is used.
3. If you select a symbol set that does not match the print quality specified, the printer attempts to print
the text using a best fitfont, which it selects. Some pages may be duplicated, and some information
on the page in error may be missing.
4. If you select a symbol set that is not available on the 4247 Printer, PSF does not print the remainder of
the file.
5. With PSF for AS/400, if you select a symbol set that is not available on the 4247 Printer,and you
specified absolute fidelity, PSF does not print the remainder of the file. If you specified content fidelity,
PSF substitutes another symbol set and prints the file.
Printer Capabilities
The capabilities of the 4247 Printer are different from those of most of the other printers supported by PSF
in the following ways:
v.Differences in the contents of the character sets in the fonts provided by PSF and in the symbol sets
resident in the 4247 Printer may result in inconsistent printed output between the two types of fonts.
vAlthough the 4247 Printer can print with downloaded symbol sets, it uses only resident symbol sets
when driven by PSF.
vThe PSF for OS/390 and PSF/VSE default fonts specified with the CHARS parameter in the PRINTDEV
statement cause errors in which PSF issues messages saying resource not found. Change or override
the CHARS parameter to use a 4247 Printer symbol set.
vThe 4247 Printer prints both text and images in only 0°character orientation. All other orientations other
than 0°are supported for graphics. The 4247 Printer does not support rotated fonts.
vThe 4247 Printer prints images with 144-pel resolution..
vThe 4247 Printer does not support multiple subgroups within a copy group in a form definition. Printing
of multiple copies of individual pages within a subgroup is not supported.
Chapter24. 4247 Printer (4247) 137