Envelope sizes:
Com-10, C5, DL and Monarch
Media weights:
vCopier/xerographic papers: 16 to 28 lbs. (60 to 105 gsm)
vCardstock:16 to 43 lbs. (60 to 163 gsm)
vEnvelopes: 16 to 28 lbs. (60 to 105 gsm)
Printer Attachment Interfaces
Infoprint 12 has the following attachment interfaces as standard:
vIEEE 1284 Parallel Interface (level I electronics with a Type B connector).
vUSB (Version 1.0/1.1)
Infoprint 12 supports port switching between the parallel, USB, and optional Fast Ethernet ports.
Attachments/Operating System Support
Table50. Attachment and Operating System Support for the Infoprint 12 Printer
Physical Protocol Operating Systems
(IEEE 1284) Windows 95/98/Millennium, NT 4.0,
Windows 2000
Macintosh OS 8.5 and higher
USB Windows 98/Millennium, NT 4.0,
Windows 2000
Macintosh OS 8.5 and higher
(IEEE 802.3) IPX/SPX
TCP/IP Novell NetWare 3.x, 4.x, 5.x
Windows 95/98/Millennium, NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 Novell NetWare 5.x
Linux (Red Hat)
IEEE 802.3 AppleTalk Macintosh OS 8.5 and higher
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