partition. In basic N_UP printing, the division of the
medium presentation space into a specified number of
equal-sized areas in a manner determined by the
current physical medium.
partitioned data set (PDS). Adata set in direct
access storage that is divided into partitions, called
members, each of which can contain a program, part of
a program, or data. Contrast with sequential data set.
pattern storage (PST). An area of storage that holds
the raster patterns for fonts and images.
PDS. See partitioned data set.
pel. Synonym for picture element.
PEM. Print-error marker.See exception highlighting.
PEV. Print-errorvector. See exception highlighting.
physical medium. Aphysical entity on which
information is presented. Examples of a physical
medium are a display screen, paper,foils, microfilm, or
picture element. (1) In computer graphics, the
smallest element of a physical medium that can be
independently assigned color and intensity.(T) (2) The
smallest element that can be printed or displayed on a
physical medium. Picture elements per inch is often
used as a measurement of presentation granularity.
Synonymous with pell.
pitch. The character size represented by the number
of characters that can be printed horizontally in an inch;
for example, 10 pitch has 10 graphic characters per
inch. Uniformly spaced fonts are measured in pitch.
Contrast with point.
point. Aunit of about 1/72 inch used in measuring
type. Contrast with pitch.
point size. The height of a font in points.
portrait page presentation. The position of a printed
sheet that has its short edges as the top and bottom
and its long edges as the sides. Contrast with
landscape page presentation.
PPFA. See.Page Printer Formatting Aid.
presentation device. Adevice that produces
character shapes, graphics pictures, images, or bar
code symbols on a physical medium. Examples of a
physical medium are a display screen, paper,foils,
microfilm, or labels.
Presentation TextObject Content Architecture
(PTOCA). An architected collection of constructs used
to interchange and present presentation text data.
print data stream. The data stream created by PSF
and transmitted to the printer.
print direction. (1) The direction in which characters
are added to a line. (2) In PSF,the specification of inline
direction for the printing of text.
print-error marker. Seeexception highlighting.
Print-error vector. Seeexception highlighting.
print job. The data that the user submits to PSF to be
printed.A print job can request the printing of multiple
data sets.
print labeling. Acontrolled method of placing
identification labels on each page of PSF printed output.
See also guaranteed print labeling.
print position. Any location on a medium where a
character can be printed.
print quality. (1)The measure of printed output
against existing standards and in comparison with jobs
printed previously.(2) The ability of some page printers
to print data at more than one level of print quality,such
asdraft and near-letter quality.
print-quality levels. The capability on certain printers
for you to specify more than one level of print quality,
such as draft or near letter quality.
print server. (1)A functional unit that provides shared
services to workstations over a network; for example, a
file server,a print server, or a mail server. (T) (2) In a
network, a data station that provides facilities to other
stations; for example, a file server,a print server, or a
mail server.(A) (3) In the AIX operating system, an
application program that usually runs in the background
and is controlled by the system program controller.(4)
In TCP/IP,a system in a network that handles the
requests of a system at another site, called a
Print Services Facility (PSF). Alicensed program that
manages and controls the input data stream and output
data stream required by supported IBM page printers.
PSF combines print data with other resources and
printing controls to produceAFP output.
printable area. The area on a sheet of the paper
where print can be placed.
printer. Apresentation device that produces character
shapes, graphics pictures, images, or bar-code symbols
on a physical medium. Examples of a physical medium
are a display screen, paper,foils, microfilm or labels.
See presentation device.
printer-parameter member. InPSF/VSE, the member
of a phase library containing user-specified printer
parameters to print a job on a page printer.The
printer-parameter macroinstruction provided with
PSF/VSE stores the user-specified parameters as a
member of a phase library.
Glossary 203