vModify PSF/MVS Exit 4 to indicate jobs that require Line Mode Processing and those that require
additional line-merge processing.
Now you are ready to process 3800 compatibility mode jobs on your AFP printer.
3900 or 4000 Installation ConsiderationsAs with installation of any new printer, particularly one in the 3900 or 4000 class, careful preparation must
be made for installing, operating, and maintaining the new printer. The IBM Introduction and Planning
Guide for the printer should be carefully reviewed, and installation checklists should be carefully followed.
The list below cannot be considered a comprehensive list. However, it does point out some of the issues
to be considered when upgrading from a 3800 printer to a 3900 or 4000.
vIf installing the 3900 or 4000 for use only with the Hardware RPQ for 3800 compatibility, the printer
would be defined to the system as a 3800 Line Printer. System definitions would not need to be
changed. However if the new printer will be used to process AFP print jobs as well as compatibility print
jobs, it must also be defined to the operating system and to PSF as a 3900 or 4000 printer.
vReview attachment requirements for the new printer. For example, Infoprint 4000 printers and the 3900
wide and duplex printers require a minimum data streaming rate of 1.9 MB, and are not supported on
3044 Model 1 channel extenders. If you are using non-IBM channel extenders, check with your
channel-extender vendor regarding support for the new printer.
vThe specifications of all paper stocks used should be reviewed to insure they meet the specifications for
the new printer. For example, the 3800 could accept paper weights as low as fifteen pounds; the lowest
weight for the 3900 is sixteen pounds.
vSupplies (toner, developer,and so forth) must be ordered for the new machine.
vBTS equipment must be installed or modified as needed.
AppendixA. Migrating Your 3800 Printer Applications 169