Table6. Enterprise Color Printer Characteristics (continued)
Printer Characteristics InfoColor 70
Infoprint Color
Infoprint Color
Infoprint Color
130 Plus
A4: 1–up landscape (210 mm
long) 700,000 duplex 700,000 duplex 700,000 duplex 700,000 duplex
A4: 2–up portrait (297 mm
long) n/a 1,000,000 duplex 1,000,000 duplex 1,000,000 duplex
1. Maximum printing rate is the maximum number of pages of the indicated size and configuration that can be
printed at the constant speed of paper movement shown for each printer.Rates for pages of different sizes and
configuration can be calculated by dividing the form length into the printer speed.Actual printing rate will be less
if the printer cannot reach this rate due to complexity or density of the data or the ability of the system to deliver
data at this rate.
2. Maximum usage is based on operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, at maximum printing rate with normal
maintenance and operations activity.IBM does not recommend reaching this monthly maximum on consistent
Industrial Impact and Non-Impact PrintersIBM Printing Systems’industrial impact and non-impact printers are cost-effective, rugged impact and
non-impact printers that print on a wide variety of media. Table7 and Table 8on page 10 lists the
characteristics for these printers.
Table7. Industrial / Impact and Non-Impact Printer Characteristics (1 of 2)
Printer Characteristics 4230–xx1
4230–xx34232 4247–A00/001
Maximum printing rate: characters per
second (cps)
Maximum printing rate: lines per minute
Maximum printing rate: inches per second
375 cps (-xx1)
480 cps (-xx1)
600 cps (-xx1) 600 cps 700 cps (A00/001)
400 (002)
Print technology Impact Dot Matrix Impact Dot Matrix Impact Dot Matrix
Datastreams PPDS, Epson, ASCII,
Form type Continuous
Cut-Sheet Continuous
Cut-Sheet Continuous
Number of input bins 1 standard 1standard 3 standard
3 optional
Number of output bins 1 standard 1standard 1 standard
Manual forms feed
*AnAutomatic Sheet Feed Device is
available. yes yes yes*
Envelope printing n/a n/a n/a
MICR printing no no no
Duplex printing no no no
Color no no no
Operator-adjustable forms yes yes yes
Printhead resolution (pels per inch) 144 X 144 144 X 144 144 X 144
Maximum characters per second (cps) per
month (duty cycles) 16,000,000 16,000,000 20,000,000
Chapter1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers 9