Table15. Bar Codes supported by IPDS Printers (continued)
Bar Code Type Modifier
4230 Printer
4247 Printer
4400 Printer
6400 Printer
Network Printer 12
Network Printer 17
Infoprint 12
Infoprint 20
Infoprint 21
Infoprint 32
Infoprint 40
Infoprint 4000
Infoprint 3000
Infoprint 60
Infoprint 62
Infoprint 70
Infoprint Color
130 Plus
X'1F' —Australia Postal Bar Code X'01' through X'08' no Infoprint 20 Infoprint 70
Data StreamsThe following table shows which platforms have the ability to convert data streams from one format to
another. This allows output which otherwise would not be printable on a particular device to be converted
into a data stream that the printer understands.
Keep in mind when using data stream transforms that some loss of fidelity may occur.Also, performance
and storage considerations should be taken into account because often the transformed data stream will
consist entirely of image, which is larger than the originating file.
Note: Transforms that are functionally the same may not be identical from platform.
Table16. Data Stream Transforms
Transform InfoprintManager
for AIX (V3R2) Infoprint Manager
for NT (V1R1) AS/400 Host Print
Infoprint Server
AFP to PCL yes yes yes yes
AFP to PostScript yes yes no yes
AFP to PDF yes yes no yes
PCL to AFP yes no no yes
PostScript to AFP yes yes no yes
PDF to AFP yes yes no yes
SAP to AFP yes no yes yes
TIFF to AFP yes yes yes no
AFP to TIFF no no yes no
SCS to PCL no no yes no
Line data toAFP yes yes no yes
1. Requires Infoprint Server for OS/390
Attachment Modes for Supported PrintersThe following tables represent the datastream capabilities by attachment type currently available for the
Printing Systems product line. These capabilities are enhanced on a regular basis, so it is recommended
that you refer to current documentation when considering new printers and attachments. Additional
servers, software products, and datastream transforms will also supplement these tables with other
connectivity options. Many printers also support drivers available under other platforms (not listed in these
tables) such as OS/2, MacOS, Solaris, SCO-UNIX, HP-UX, Novell NetWare, Netware, and Linux. Some of
the attachment modes on various platforms will require additional software. For example, driving IPDS
printers from any platform requires PSF or Infoprint Manager, and driving PCLor PostScript from OS/390
requires Infoprint Server. Please reference the IBM website at http://www.ibm.com/printers for specific
software product requirements and up-to-date attachment information.
18 Printer Information