on how to use this form definition.“Example: ACROSS Print Direction with Narrow Forms”on page 162
contains an example of when page-presentation controls are not needed for printing the same file on
cut-sheet and AFCCU continuous forms printers.
A factor to consider if you are creating your own form definition for compatibility between cut-sheet printers
and an AFCCU continuous forms printer is the printable area of the printers.
Example: ACROSS Print Direction with Wide FormsIf your data is formatted in the ACROSS print direction for landscape page presentation, as is commonly
used for a 3800, and will be printed on wide forms on an AFCCU continuous forms printers, you must use
a form definition with correct page-presentation controls to produce readable output. If not, the print data
may go beyond the valid printable area on the AFCCU continuous forms printer,as shown in Figure 56
because the hardware origin for the AFCCU continuous forms printer is different from the hardware origin
of the 3800.
If, however, you use a form definition with the correct page-presentation controls, your output will be
printed correctly, as shown in Figure57 In this example, you could use the PSF-supplied form definition,
F10101LA, which specifies a landscape page presentation and an ACROSS print direction. This form
definition can also be used for data formatted in an ACROSS print direction to print in the landscape page
presentation on narrow forms. The page-presentation controls are not required in this case, but you can
now use this form definition regardless of whether the data is to print on wide forms or on narrow forms.
Example: DOWN Print Direction with Wide FormsIf your data is formatted in the DOWN print direction for landscape page presentation on a cut-sheet
printer or on 3800 narrow forms and will be printed on wide forms on an AFCCU continuous forms printer,
you must use a form definition with correct page-presentation controls to produce readable output. If not,
the data will be printed in the landscape page presentation; however, the data will be upside down, as
shown in Figure 58on page 162, because the hardware origin for an AFCCU continuous forms printer is
located on the leading-left corner of the short side of the form, regardless of whether a narrow form or a
wide form is used.
AFCCUContinuous Form Printers
Figure56. Valid-Printable-Area Error: AFCCU Continuous Forms Printer Output with Incorrect Form Definition
AFCCUContinuous Form Printer
Figure57. Using PSF Form Definition F10101LA to Prevent Valid-Printable-Area Errors
AppendixA. Migrating Your 3800 Printer Applications 161