–Performance limitation for jobs with dense or complex data
vPSF/MVS Line-Mode Function:
–Can intermix line-mode and AFP job. Do not need to switch printer mode.
–Requires AFP bounded-box fonts.
–Requires PSF/MVS.
–Cannot handle jobs which use COPYMODS.
vBoth options:
–If using 3800 Forms Flash, flashes must be converted
–3800 Tape-to-Printfeature is not supported
–Post-Processing equipment, supplies, paper, and attachments must be compatible with the 3900 or
4000 printers
Hardware RPQ for 3800 CompatibilityThe 3800 Compatibility Mode RPQ provides a separate microcode load for the supported 3900 or 4000
printer that enables it to run as a 3800-3 or -6 operating in 3800-1 compatibility mode. This RPQ is
intended to facilitate the migration of 3800 workloads without the need to convert resources or JCL, or
install higher levels of software. The RPQ is supported only when the printer is attached via a S/370
parallel channel. The RPQ is also supported only on operating systems which supported the 3800-3
operating in 3800-1 compatibility mode: MVS and VM.
With this RPQ, the printer operates in either of two modes: normal AFP mode, or 3800 compatibility mode.
PSF is not required if the account elects to run only in 3800 compatibility mode. PSF is required for
running the printer in normal AFP mode. Details for defining the printer and switching it between
Compatibility Mode and AFP mode are included with the RPQ.
With the exception of the forms flash, the 3900 or 4000 operating in compatibility mode should process all
3800 compatibility mode print streams in the same fashion as the 3800. In particular, the FCB, LINECT,
functions should operate as usual.
The 3800 Tape-to-Printfeature is NOT supported with the 3900 or 4000, even with this RPQ installed.
3800 Forms Flash is not physically supported by the 3900 or 4000. Each forms flash must be replaced by
an electronic version of the forms flash. AServices Offering is available to create these electronic forms
flashes; there is no tool available for this.
The electronic flash is created as a file on a diskette which can be loaded into the printer controller. The
flash can be maintained on diskette, or stored on the printer hard drive (up to 8 flash files can be stored
on the printer hard drive). Once the electronic flash has been created, operational procedures are similar
to those for loading of the forms flash. When the JCL forms flash parameter creates a console message to
load the forms flash, the operator will instead enter a console request to load one of the flash files stored
in the printer, or load the 3.5–inch diskette containing the electronic overlay in the diskette reader of the
3900 or 4000 controller. Each overlay will be on a separate diskette. The elapsed time for this operator
activity should be the same or less than that required for physically loading the forms flash. It is probable
that an installation will have several such diskettes, one for each electronic overlay needed. Operational
procedures must be updated accordingly, and consideration given to storage and organization of the
diskettes. Since the overlay diskettes are conventional DOS diskettes, normal PC utilities can (and should)
be used to create backup copies of the overlay diskettes. At least one set should be stored in a safe area
outside the immediate printer area for backup purposes. Current practices for backup copies of forms
flashes should be reviewed for applicability.
Performance ConsiderationsThe controllers inside the 3800 and the 3900-01 printers were specifically designed to maximize
throughput of printer data. By contrast, the 3900-0W1, 3900-0W3, and Infoprint 4000 IS1 printers use as
AppendixA. Migrating Your 3800 Printer Applications 165