Who should read this manual?
This manual assumes that its readers are experienced with computer hardware installation and are familiar with RAID controllers.
Related Documentation
•Generic Operation Manual
•RAIDWatch User’s Manual
These two documents can be found in the CD included with your subsystem package.
From this point on and throughout the rest of this manual, the SentinelRAID series is referred to as simply the “controller” and SentinelRAID is frequently abbreviated as “SR.”
Warnings appear where overlooked details may cause damage to the equipment or result in personal injury. Warnings should be taken seriously. Warnings are easy to recognize. The word “warning” is written as “WARNING,” both capitalized and bold and is followed by text in italics. The italicized text is the warning message.
Cautionary messages should also be heeded to help you reduce the chance of losing data or damaging the system. Cautions are easy to recognize. The word “caution” is written as “CAUTION,” both capitalized and bold and is followed by text in italics. The italicized text is the cautionary message.
These messages inform the reader of essential but
Bulleted Lists: Bulleted lists are statements of
Numbered Lists: Numbered lists are used to describe sequential steps you should follow in order.