56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
| 8. CALLER ID | |
| This section describes Caller ID for the United States. Caller ID is a service that lets the called | |
| party know the telephone number of the caller before the call is answered. The information | |
| transmitted to the called party via Caller ID includes the caller’s name, call date, the call time, and | |
| the call number. This service is not available everywhere due to central office telephone equipment | |
| limitations and legal prohibition in some locations. | |
| The +VCID = n command controls the reporting and presentation of data associated with the | |
| Caller ID services in United States and Canada in the ICLID (incoming call line ID) data format. | |
| The ICLID data comes in one of two formats: SDM (single data message) format or MDM | |
| (multiple data message) format. In both formats, data is provided as data items and packet control | |
| information. | |
| When enabled, the DCE reports any Caller ID information detected after the first ring message | |
| (note that more <CR> <LF> combinations may occur after the RING result code). All data items | |
| are reported using the <tag> <=> <value> pair format. Spaces are present on both sides of the equal | |
| sign. | |
| This chipset allows for two types of Caller ID reporting formats, formatted and unformatted. In | |
| formatted reporting, DCE does not report any Caller ID information if a check sum error is | |
| detected in the Caller ID packet. If the DCE receives multiple copies of the Caller ID packets, the | |
| DCE sends only one of the correct packets to the DTE. If the DCE has never presented a correct | |
| packet but has received the line seizure information at least once, the DCE returns <MESG> <=> | |
| <CALID_202>. | |
| The DCE breaks up the presentation of the date and time into two separate <Tag><Value> pairs for | |
| those data items where the date and time appear together. | |
Table | ||
Tag |
| Description |
| DATE = MMDD where MM is the month number, 01 through 12, and DD is the day number, 01 through 31. |
| All numbers are in ASCII decimal. For numbers less than 10, a filling ASCII zero is used. | |
| |
| TIME = HHMM where HH is the hour number, 00 through 23, and MM is the minute number, 00 through 59. |
| All numbers are in ASCII decimal format. For numbers less than 10, a filling ASCII zero is used. | |
| |
| NMBR = <number> or P or O (ASCII 4Fh) where <number> is the telephone number of the caller, where P |
| indicates that the calling number information is not available since the originating caller has requested pri- |
| vate service, and where O indicates that the calling number information is not available since the out of area | |
| |
| code or the service is unavailable. |
| NAME = <listing name> where <listing name> is the subscription listing name. |
| MESG = <data tag> <length of message> <data> <checksum> in printable ASCII (to avoid possible prob- |
| lems with binary output numbers). | |
| |
| If a data tag is unrecognizable, the DCE presents the given data item’s information using the | |
| MESG tag. The DCE follows the conventions of the unformatted reporting form (defined below) | |
| where applicable for the given data item only. |
Programmer’s Guide | Intel Confidential | 111 |