56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset




This section describes Caller ID for the United States. Caller ID is a service that lets the called


party know the telephone number of the caller before the call is answered. The information


transmitted to the called party via Caller ID includes the caller’s name, call date, the call time, and


the call number. This service is not available everywhere due to central office telephone equipment


limitations and legal prohibition in some locations.


The +VCID = n command controls the reporting and presentation of data associated with the


Caller ID services in United States and Canada in the ICLID (incoming call line ID) data format.


The ICLID data comes in one of two formats: SDM (single data message) format or MDM


(multiple data message) format. In both formats, data is provided as data items and packet control




When enabled, the DCE reports any Caller ID information detected after the first ring message


(note that more <CR> <LF> combinations may occur after the RING result code). All data items


are reported using the <tag> <=> <value> pair format. Spaces are present on both sides of the equal




This chipset allows for two types of Caller ID reporting formats, formatted and unformatted. In


formatted reporting, DCE does not report any Caller ID information if a check sum error is


detected in the Caller ID packet. If the DCE receives multiple copies of the Caller ID packets, the


DCE sends only one of the correct packets to the DTE. If the DCE has never presented a correct


packet but has received the line seizure information at least once, the DCE returns <MESG> <=>




The DCE breaks up the presentation of the date and time into two separate <Tag><Value> pairs for


those data items where the date and time appear together.

Table 8-1. Caller ID Tags for Formatted Reporting












DATE = MMDD where MM is the month number, 01 through 12, and DD is the day number, 01 through 31.


All numbers are in ASCII decimal. For numbers less than 10, a filling ASCII zero is used.








TIME = HHMM where HH is the hour number, 00 through 23, and MM is the minute number, 00 through 59.


All numbers are in ASCII decimal format. For numbers less than 10, a filling ASCII zero is used.








NMBR = <number> or P or O (ASCII 4Fh) where <number> is the telephone number of the caller, where P



indicates that the calling number information is not available since the originating caller has requested pri-


vate service, and where O indicates that the calling number information is not available since the out of area





code or the service is unavailable.






NAME = <listing name> where <listing name> is the subscription listing name.






MESG = <data tag> <length of message> <data> <checksum> in printable ASCII (to avoid possible prob-


lems with binary output numbers).










If a data tag is unrecognizable, the DCE presents the given data item’s information using the


MESG tag. The DCE follows the conventions of the unformatted reporting form (defined below)


where applicable for the given data item only.

Programmer’s Guide

Intel Confidential


Page 111
Image 111
Intel MD566X manual Caller ID Tags for Formatted Reporting