HSK Device Driver Interface for VxWorks* 5.4
( PRH_DEVICE_OBJ deviceobject )
Pointer to a device object. This data is a device context allowing the device driver to identify the specific device that experienced a surprise removal by an operator.
•The HSK Manager has no direct knowledge of the structure of this information
•The HSK Manager is not required to perform any actions with this object
Return Value
C.5 RH-Aware Message Registration Definitions
In order to facilitate a graceful failover between Hosts and the devices they control, Intel provides a set of functions that allow backplane device drivers and the devices they control to synchronize state information. State information is anything that the device driver writer feels is necessary for graceful mode transitions. In this case, a mode transition is any state change that starts or stops device interaction (for example, a takeover).
The rhHskRegisterMsgCallback call allows a device to register a message callback with the RSS driver. This message callback is called by the RSS driver whenever a message is passed from a device driver on one Host to the corresponding device driver on another Host.
The rhHskSendMessage call allows messages to be sent from one Host to the corresponding instance of a device on another Host. This function takes a packet of RSS driver transparent data and redirects it to the registered receive message callback on the opposite Host. The RH driver redirects this data using the pci_dev structure entry specified in the input parameter of the rhHskSendMessage function call. This information is used to identify the device driver that receives the data packet.
The rhHskUnregisterMsgCallback call is used to unregister a receive callback function associated with the previously registered device.
The following topics describe the syntax and functionality of the receive message callback register and unregister functions.
C.5.1 HSI_STATUS rhHskRegisterMsgCallback
This function associates the receive message callback with a particular instance of a device. Only one device/message callback association is allowed at a time. If this call is performed twice for the same device, an error value is returned.
High Availability Software for the Intel® NetStructureTM ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification | 119 |