Redundant Host API
returned if the buffer provided for the array by the caller is too small; in that case, the array isn’t filled in but the location pointed by pActualSize is set to a correct value to assist the caller in subsequent buffer allocation.
returned if other errors occurred during execution of this function
This function retrieves the list of numbers of known hosts that comprise the RH system. Each host number is an arbitrary uint32 value.
Before the call, the caller should allocate a buffer that can accommodate a sufficient number of uint32 values, and pass its address in the pHostNumbersArray parameter. The parameter ArraySize should be set equal to the size of the buffer in uint32 items. The host count returned from “RhGetHostCount” can be used as the value of this parameter. On return, the function populates the buffer with the array of host numbers for all hosts in the system, and places the actual number of returned host numbers into the output parameter *pActualSize. If the specified ArraySize is too small, the function returns status HSI_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and doesn’t populate the buffer, but still sets the parameter *pActualSize to the required size of the buffer.
IN uint32 Host,
OUT char *pOutHostName,
IN uint32 HostNameLength,
OUT ULONG *pActualSize );
Arguments: |
Handle | the handle of the current session |
Host | the host number |
pOutHostName | pointer to the character buffer where the host name is stored as a null- |
| terminated character string |
HostNameLength | the size of the buffer; if this size is too small for the output, this function |
| fails. |
pActualSize - | this variable receives the actual size of the returned host name; in the |
| case of the error code HSI_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER |
| returned, this is the minimal required size of the buffer. |
Return Value:
returned in the case of success
HSI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER invalid session handle
High Availability Software for the Intel® NetStructureTM ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification | 53 |