JPEG - A standard image format, used widely for photographs. Also known as JPG.
LAN - Local Area Network. A data communications network which is geographically limited (typically to a 1 km radius), allowing easy interconnection of terminals, microprocessors and computers within adjacent buildings. Ethernet and FDDI are examples of standard LANs.
PING - A protocol that sends a message to another computer and waits for acknowledgment, often used to check if another computer on a network is reachable.
PPP- Point to Point Protocol. A method allowing one computer to connect to another, usually via a modem over a phone line.
Protocol - A set of formal rules describing how to transmit data, especially across a network.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The
URL - Uniform Resource Locator. An "address" on the network.
WAN - Wide Area Network. A communications network that uses such devices as telephone lines, satellite dishes or radio waves to span a larger geographic area than can be covered by a LAN.
Wizard - A program designed specifically to guide the user through a procedure. Typically used for installation and configuration. InstallShield Wizard is required to download ActiveX manually.