Manual: CMOS Industrial Camera LOGLUX® i5

Version 1.08 (04/07)


The start menu

When starting the software for the first time, a window will appear after some time that shows the image processing (IP) hardware of the PC which is connected to the existing

framegrabber, FireWireand/or RS-232 ports. A query window will appear in all following program starts, asking the user if the IP hardware settings of the previous program start are to be used again or if an IP hardware scan as referred to above is to be made.

When selecting the LOGLUX® i5 CL cameras connected to the respective ports (the camera names are displayed), the following should be noted:

Cameras plugged into RS-232 ports do not deliver a live image with the configuration tool. Where a camera image is needed, the viewing software of the framegrabber or a suitable third-party software should be used.

Cameras connected to the other ports deliver an image right away when the configuration tool is activated. All the user has got to do is adjusting the image to a size that fits the desktop PC.

A camera is activated by highlighting its name in the 'Camera selection' window and then clicking button 'Connect' . Should a camera not be found, another hardware scan can be started by clicking button 'Scan'. Pressing button 'Cancel' will end the program.

Figure 9 : The start menu


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